Matthew Johnson

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Round Two

Tomorrow, long before the sun comes up, I will travel to the airport to begin my journey back to Asbury Seminary for my second round of classes for the Beeson Program I started last summer. A lot has happened since I went for the term last year. The people who were strangers to me on that first day are now family. I don't say that tritely. They are brothers and a sister I dearly love and cannot wait to see again. We've texted, emailed, communicated on Facebook, and even Skyped. We've prayed for and with each other. We've encouraged one another. I can't believe that God has blessed me as much as he has.

On top of all this, we begin a new adventure with new classes, new people to meet, and even a trip to Seattle the last week. I'm excited. I will miss my wife and daughter dearly, but thankfully they are going to come see me the second week to break up the drought of their presence in my life which will be a nice change from last year.

I don't know who reads my blog, but I hope that you will pray for me, my family, and my classmates as we continue our journey together to grow as people, followers of Christ, and pastors.

My blog posts from school last summer: