Matthew Johnson

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Books I Own But Have Never Read

Yesterday, after a friend referenced a scene in C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce, I sat down and read it. I've had it on my shelf since I was in my 20s but I never read it. I felt a little bit of shame in admitting that, but thankfully it did not take much time to read (and it was incredible--something I'll write about later).

In light of that experience, I wondered if there were others on my shelves I'm embarrassed to admit that I've not read yet. The answer is yes. Here's a list of a few others, hoping this will get me off of the computer and into a book so I can remedy my ignorance.

  • Except for The Old Man and the Sea, I've not read a single Hemingway novel. I've read a lot of his short stories, but no novels.
  • Confessions - Augustine of Hippo
  • Orthodoxy - G. K. Chesterton
  • East of Eden - John Steinbeck (or practically everything else he wrote. Sorry, Jonathan Powers!)
  • The Imitation of Christ - Thomas á Kempis
  • Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen. My teenager runs laps around me with this one.
  • Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
  • Dark Night of the Soul - John of the Cross
  • Anything from Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace. I AM KIDDING. I don't own it. I'm not even the least bit embarrassed about this. See also: Gravity's Rainbow

Keep in mind, these are books I own but have not read. I'm not making that list of ones I think I should have read but haven't because it would be too long. What about you? Feel free to email me since I'm not interested in moderating comments.

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