Lent 2018 - Day 5


One of my closest friends practices fasting better than anyone I've ever met. Nearly every year during Lent, he fasts from food for six days in a row, eats on the Sabbath, and begins again the following day. I recently asked him to write about this practice, but being more Scripturally and spiritually attuned than I am, he begged off. Still, feeling there was value in others being able to read about this practice and with the possibility that others might even try to fast for a day for the first time in their lives, I convinced him to do it anonymously on my blog. He's going to keep a sort of diary each day and I'm going to share it here. I hope you find my friend's journey exciting and convicting. 



Sunday, February 18, 2018                 Day 5 of Lent

            I have moments of hunger, but it is not a constant issue.  I am beyond that stage.  Don’t get me wrong, I look forward to eating tomorrow.  It’s just not as immediate of a physical need as before.  My back continues to be an issue that is in the forefront of my mind, however I am hoping that I have turned a corner on that.  My back issues have affected my fasting in a strange way this year.  I have focused on my back pain and because of that, not worried so much about my hunger.  It reminds me of when I was a kid and I’d say my arm hurt (or something) and my dad would (jokingly) offer to smack me in the back of my head so that I’d forget about my arm pain. 

            I continue to find God challenging me.  Yesterday I was really contemplating what it means to love people you have a difficult relationship with.  How do you hold healthy boundaries, yet truly love others?  How do I not react out of hurt, but instead receive healing so that hurt doesn’t touch me?  And do I really have love in my heart for people who have been difficult towards me?  I was uncomfortable with what I was finding. I am still struggling with this.