Sunday Links 3.6.2011
Can't wait for tonight. We are heading down to Heritage UMC in Van Buren to worship with and hear from one of my seminary and professors and mentors, Dr. Bob Tuttle. I'll report on these times of worship this week!
See you soon!
- iPad 2 out on Friday. We'll see whether I can snag one while in Dallas or if I'll have to order on-line.
- Check out this post from my group blog about a group from my last church who made their Grand Ole Opry debut last night. They are awesome.
- Mark Roberts writes about loneliness in ministry and shares the sad story of a recent pastor suicide.
- There's been lots circulating about God's wrath and hell recently. This is a good post by Jared Wilson on the subject.
- 10 Things that Make a Pastor Remarkable.
- I totally cried when I saw this video the first time. And the second. O! that my joy for God's word were as great as a people receiving it in their language for the first time!
- I'm attending a conference in Dallas at the end of the week as well at The Gospel Coalition in Chicago next month. This is a great and timely post for conference-goers. Unfortunately, it is needed.
- Finally, I thought this was interesting, how Thomas Jefferson prepared for meetings.
See you soon!