Lent 2018 - Day 26
Another entry in the Lent diary from my friend who is fasting from food during this season:
Sunday, March 11, 2018 Day 26 of Lent
It’s late Sunday night, but I just wanted to add a few things about today. Saturday and this morning I prayed a bit for the folks that would attend worship this morning. I did this in part because of a story that Matthew told me about Billy Graham and how he would often be found prior to a crusade, on his face, weeping in prayer for people. I know I need to pray for that sort of thing, but I don’t do it enough. So I did. I was surprised at how easily it came. I’ve prayed for the service before, but it often doesn’t feel like much… I don’t know. Anyway, I do believe I did feel God’s presence as I prayed for folks who would be at worship. This week’s message happened to be a pretty good salvation type message anyway, so I hoped. Then today at worship I was surprised to see two people I’ve had some contact with recently that I hope to see come to faith or really commit themselves to Jesus. I am not sure how it all went for them. I was not able to catch them before they left, but I am praying.