Lent 2018 - Maundy Thursday
Another entry in the Lent diary from my friend who is fasting from food during this season:
Thursday, March 29, 2018 Maundy Thursday
It’s just a few minutes before our Maundy Thursday service, but I wanted to take a moment to briefly journal. We are now entering into an intense couple of days for me personally and as a church as we celebrate the Tridiuum and Resurrection Sunday. This is the worship highpoint of our year.
I just finished a prayer time. I learned right before my prayer time of the shooting of the young man in Sacramento who was in his grandparent’s backyard with only his cell phone. I don’t know what all will come out in this story. I like to wait a bit just to get as clear a picture as I can. But I do know my heart was full of sorrow during prayer this evening as I was mindful of a mother who lost a son and a family who lost a loved one. I’m also sad about the societal brokenness that is a part of the bigger picture of this young man’s shooting, however complex it is. I’m just sad. This is a journal about my fasting, not my venturing into racial and political areas, but I thought I ought to note this past prayer time. I think it is just another reminder of the brokenness of this world and the hurts that are all around us. Someday Jesus will return. The Resurrection gives me hope of this. Someday there will be no more shootings. Someday no more racial tensions. Someday all our wounds shall be bound up and our hearts will be one in praise to the one on the throne who makes all things new. Until that glorious day, we gather and remember Jesus’ commandment to us – “love one another as I have loved you.”
Have a blessed Maundy Thursday.